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CNET July Meeting: Hydrogen Energy Storage

  • 20 Jul 2022
  • 6:30 PM - 8:15 PM
  • Zoom - Link sent in registration email


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     Hydrogen Energy Storage

Open to the public.  Zoom. Networking from 6:30PM - 7 PM;  Meeting starts at 7:00 PM

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In order to avoid drastic changes in the Earth’s climate and biosphere, humans need to convert from burning stored carbon compounds to collecting and using solar and wind energy.  These are present in ample supply, but are time and location dependent, so storage is needed.  Hydrogen is a key energy storage medium for achieving high mass density and long storage times.  In this talk we will discuss how to make, store, and use hydrogen, hopefully clarifying the challenges that must be overcome to transition to a hydrogen-based renewable world.  

------------------------------------------ About the Presenter ----------------------------

Dr. Daniel M. Dobkin biography

Dr. Daniel M. Dobkin has been involved in technology development in Silicon Valley for over four decades. He is almost certainly the first Ph.D. student to write his thesis draft on a Macintosh computer. He has worked on semiconductor fabrication processes and equipment, silicon and III-V processing, device design, and reliability, wireless local area networks, radio frequency identification, electrochemical gas generation, and most recently hydrogen energy storage. He is the author or coauthor of Principles of Chemical Vapor Deposition, Radio Engineering for Wireless Networks, The RF in RFID, and about 40 technical publications, the whole garnering 1,656 citations in the literature so far according to ResearchGate. He is the author of She Sells C-Shells by the Seashore, he has extensive experience in multiple fields. Dr. Dobkin holds degrees from the California Institute of Technology and Stanford University. He lives and works in Sunnyvale, California.