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More technical communication jobs are becoming project-based or on contracts through placement agencies that can range from one month to a year or more. In this session, Cheryl Landes, a full-time freelancer, provides tips on how to work with agencies that place technical communicators on contract assignments. She also describes the current climate at the agencies and how job seekers can navigate this intricate maze so that their résumés will be noticed and presented to the hiring clients.
These topics will be covered during this presentation:
The meeting is open to the public. No charge for Consultants Network members. There is a $5 entrance fee for non-members. Casual dress.
The Consultants Network meeting starts at 6:30 PM. The meeting location is at Microsoft Corp, 201 Jones Road, 6th Floor MPR-A, Waltham, MA. From Route 128 take Exit 26 (Route 20 East or Weston Street). Turn left onto Stow Street and then left again onto Route 117 or Main Street. Drive back over route 128, and Jones Road is the second left.,+Waltham,+MA&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&sll=42.37596,-71.26972&sspn=0.012206,0.027895&ie=UTF8&z=16
Check the Consultants Network website for details and last minute information of our upcoming lectures series for 2011-2012