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IEEE Boston 

consultants network

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Election of Officers for 2018

  • 28 Nov 2017
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Ken's Steak House, 95 Worcester Rd. (Route 9) Framingham, MA 01701.


We are approaching the end of the year and so must elect officers for 2018. On November 28, 6:30 PM, an election will be held at Ken's Steak House, 95 Worcester Rd. (Route 9) Framingham, MA 01701. The declared candidates are:

  • Chairman: Frederick Beihold
  • Vice-Chairman: (open)
  • Treasurer: Charlie Sweet
  • Secretary: (open)

Note that there are 2 positions for which there are no declared candidates. All C-Net members in good standing are eligible to vote or to run for any of these positions, contested or not. Please consider running.

The election will be followed by a free dinner where you can socialize with your fellow consultants. This will be our last meeting of 2017.